Off 2 Senegal

Info for our friends, family & supporters about our travels & adventures helping the people of Senegal, West Africa

Less than 2 weeks February 2, 2009

The team is leaving on Feb. 13, so less than 2 weeks to go.  Our family has been a little bit busier this year & that has resulted in less updates to this blog.  But here are the details:

  • 8 people are going from Poulsbo/Kitsap area.  3 more from Colorado will join the team in New York.  (The Randalls led the team last year & moved to Colorado.  They have made a “recruit” who they’ll be bringing with them).
  • This year’s focus will be a medical clinic to Keur Madiabel as well as at least one other village in the area.
  • We are still in need of donations of medical supplies or money to purchase them.  (tax deductible!!)
  • Both Alex & my mom are going so that leaves me without my 2 favorite people in the world.  Good thing I’ve got some good friends, my knitting & a few kids to occupy me!

I’m sure you remember that last year was hard because I was so ready & geared up to go and then couldn’t.  There wasn’t much for me to do besides go to the team meetings as a non-particpant.  This year has been a little easier because I’ve been able to be really involved.  I’ve led the team building/training sessions and helped to coordinate the fundraising efforts and language learning.  The best compliment I had was having someone tell me that they forget that I’m not going.  Makes me feel like I’m truly part of the team.

And so the countdown begins….